✦ itsjesthomas ✦

JES | they/them | queer | 1995
[email protected]
probably a werewolf; lives on a plain grey background; my cat is better than yoursCOMMS OPEN ON DISCORD, THEN ELSEWHERE



For regular art updates and commission/sale alerts, join The Vale!

The Vale is the perfect place to get immediate updates on my art and available commissions/designs. To gain access to the community parts of the server, follow the instructions in #access.Email me at jesthomas.c@gmail or DM me on Discord @itsjesthomas (you can join the Discord and access my DMs through there if you would rather not add me as a friend) for commission inquiries/contact. Thank you!

General Commissions

QUICKSKETCH - sketch page - chibi - square - illustration

Want to commission me? Here's some important things to know!

Already know everything here? Click here to skip ahead!

First and foremost, a disclaimer regarding communication: I am reclusive by nature, performing best when I am given a task and left to complete it. Small projects are completed within three months, and large projects are completed within six months unless it is otherwise noted on the invoice. As long as the project is still within its deadline, I will not reach out to inform clients about work delays. Some projects do not come with WIPs due to their single-session completion, while others allow clients to choose when I reach out with work updates (provided only when progress has been made). While I am happy to provide those updates, please be sure that you are prompt with your responses.My queue is intricate and updated whenever progress is made. I also have a selection of testimonials, and every client is given a link to where they can leave their own review upon completion. I have been taking commissions 2016 and have only failed to complete two commissions (to my understanding), both of which were refunded (one per request, and one by my own decision). Both clients have since returned to work with me.I love for my clients to be happy with the work they receive and comfortable during our working relationship. My hope is that the testimonials and detailed queue are enough to soothe any anxiety felt working with someone as hermit-like as me ♥ I look forward to working with you!

Additionally...Openings are announced within the Discord and then publicly, usually on Twitter and Bluesky.All prices listed are in USD. Base prices are subject to change based on complexities.If you have a question or would like to request an estimate, you can contact me at jesthomas.c@gmail - I will get back to you as soon as I can!I may decline a commission if the character is not one I would like to draw, but you are welcome to request a different character! If you have multiple characters you would like to see in my style, know that I quite enjoy the opportunity of choice.◈ While I do not maintain a waitlist, you may still join my Discord where you may receive direct pings for public openings as soon as they are available. Make sure to select the applicable alert roles for your desired alerts! Joining the Discord only grants access to alerts - this is the only "ping list" I have.I WILL DRAW: Creatures / monsters, Animals of any species, Dragons and other mythical creatures, Bestial anthro characters of any species ("bestial anthros" are anthros that favor a more animal-like anatomy), Nudity, Character interactions, Gore, Any characters regardless of gender identity/physical sex/sexual preference/race/body typeI WILL NOT DRAW: Humans / humanoids / furries ("furries" are anthros that favor a more human-like anatomy), Landscapes without figures, still life, abstract, etc., Mech / vehicles, Detailed backgrounds, Requests that require I work in a style other than my own or what is offered, Fandom OCs (an exception can be made for Pokemon), Adult / erotica

Small projects are completed within three (3) months. Large projects are completed within six (6) months.Please check my queue if you're curious on its current progress.

Options will be removed on the order form if unavailable - if you don't see what you want, I'm not taking that kind of work.

Hourly Quicksketch


Full body sketches done in roughly an hour time slot - no longer - with a hard line brush. Additional characters are another hour of work, and no additional refinement is available. Please understand that these are done in a single hour: complex designs or pose requests may result in a messier sketch in an effort to draw as much of the character as possible.No WIPs are provided, and they cannot be requested.Project size: SMALL

sketch page (pay per hour)

$280 USDDAY RATE (8hrs)

Additional characters are not permitted. There is a cap of 8 hours (Day Rate, $280 USD). Understand that this is a total of work-hours for the piece and does not mean that your commission will be completed in that unbroken amount of time (EX: buying 4 hours does not mean your commission will be completed in a 4 hour sitting or within 4 hours of Invoice payment).Color is guaranteed on at least one of the sketches, and is prioritized to a full body pose. You may loosely define poses or areas that you are interested in seeing, but the majority of this project is left up to artistic interpretation.No WIPs are provided unless the point of the sketch page is design iteration, at which point WIPs are provided for each set of iteration. WIPs can be requested.Project size: VARIES based on hours requested

Clean sketch

$110 USDLineart
$175 USDColor
+$27 USDVFX (Fire/Magic/Etc)

The Lineart Clean Sketch is a refined full body sketch on a grey or neutral background with a toned color fill and rough cell-style shading for added depth. The PSD can be provided for personal coloring only upon request.WIPs are provided at major stages of the project, but can be requested for every stage.Project size: SMALL



A Chibi is a drawing of a character made to fit in a 900px by 900px (3") box. Clients receive the standard 300dpi version.Understand that parts of the character will be omitted or hidden from view, but not to the point that the character is unrecognizable.No WIPs are provided, and they cannot be requested.Project size: SMALL


$110 USDLineart
$210 USDFlat color
$375 usdfull color
+$75 usdvfx
+35% invoice totalcomplexity

The Lineart Illustration features a full body lineart of your character on a grey or neutral background. The PSD can be provided for personal coloring only upon request.The Flat Color Illustration features a full body flat colored drawing of your character on a solid or simple background.The Full Color Illustration features a full body colored drawing with simple shading and specularity (shiny bits) to help define forms and materials on a solid or simple background. Glow, metallics, and iridescence can be displayed.VFX includes things such as fire, water, depictions of magic and is only available for Flat Color and Full Color illustrations. Simple VFX depictions can be requested for Linearts free of charge, but they will be a solid color.Many special materials like iridescence and metals automatically begin to push into Full Color. If you request a Flat Color illustration, these will default to the main base color of those materials with no sheen, color transitions, or glow. If you want these materials depicted, but the rest of the illustration flat colored, there will be an upcharge. If most of the subject is any of these materials, and you wish for it to be depicted, you will be quoted for a Full Color illustration.Complexity refers to designs that include (but is not limited to) the following: Wings and extra limbs; Scales, feathers, long fur; Horns, spines, antlers, plates; Complex, geometric, and runic markings; Some extreme poses (if specified), especially if the character's anatomy is complex. The total of your order is used to calculate the complexity fee. Dragons are always considered complex.WIPs are provided at major stages of the project, but can be requested for every stage.Project size: LARGE

character references

This page contains large amounts of text for transparency.

$365 USDbasic reference
$600 usdfull reference
+35% invoice totalcomplex designs
free - $120 usdadditional callouts
$140 usddesign fee

A full reference of your character in clean detail. WIPs are sent often with any edits needed throughout the process.The Basic Reference includes a single static fullbody profile view (feral) or front view (anthro), two callouts of your choice (Additional Fullbodies and Forms will be charged their full price), easy-to-read formatting, and any text required.The Full Reference includes two fullbody views (one static, the other more dynamic; will show the left and right sides of the character, but can be swapped for two different forms), three callouts of your choice (Additional Fullbodies and Forms will be charged their full price), easy-to-read formatting, and any text required.Complexity refers to designs that include (but is not limited to) the following: Wings and extra limbs; Scales, feathers, long fur; Horns, spines, antlers, plates; Complex, geometric, and runic markings; Some extreme poses (if specified), especially if the character's anatomy is complex. The total of your order is used to calculate the complexity fee. Dragons are always considered complex.The Design Fee is required for redesigns and alternative forms, but can occasionally be prorated if the changes aren't drastically different from the original design or if clear visual references of the alternative forms are provided. The fee covers time interviewing the client, researching, ideation, and a single level of iteration through roughs. Additional/excessive iteration will incur additional fees (to be paid before continuing).


* Tail Detail pricing varies based on tail complexity; heavily plated tails and/or complex markings fall on the pricier spectrum.** Alternative Palette / Marking pricing varies based on alternate palette’s complexity; simple hue adjustments usually fall on the cheaper spectrum, while alternate markings fall on the pricier spectrum.*** Alternate Form pricing varies based on what is required to properly showcase the alternate forms, from minor edits to the basic fullbody (added horns/spikes/etc) to completely new bodies.**** For Additional Poses, it is recommended to purchase of the Full Package if only two unique poses are desired; poses are still done in a way that showcases a majority of the design.

Small Companion Animal (Ref Required)FREE
Expressions / Headshots$75 USD
Wingspan (Half Dorsal / Half Ventral)$105 USD
Hidden Wing (Usually Dorsal)$75 USD
Design Dorsal OR Ventral View$75 USD
Design Dorsal AND Ventral View$105 USD
Mouth Details$50 USD
Eye Details$50 USD
Hand / Foot / Claw Details$50 USD
Tail Details*$50 - $120 USD
Magic / Breath$50 USD
Alternative Palettes / Markings**$50 - $120 USD
Alternative Forms***$50 USD - Additional Fullbody Pricing
Additional Poses****$210 USD
InventoryNot Available

custom designs

If you are ordering a design you must be reasonably available through email or Discord, especially at the start of the design. If you are regularly only available one time a week or less, it could potentially be too difficult to work with you.

$210 usdconcept
$415 usdfull
+35% invoice totalcomplexity

A Concept Design is a rough concept of a design from provided traits, physiology, and colors, and includes whatever callouts (within reason) are required to get the visual point across, such as hand/paw/foot details. Edits/adjustments can be requested during the rough concept stage.A Full Design is a flat color illustration of a finalized design from provided traits, physiology, and colors, with minimal shading and rendering on a simple background. The final artwork and concept are provided upon completion. Edits/adjustments can be requested during the rough concept stage and before the final color.I highly recommend only applying for a design if you have a clear description/idea of what you would like me to make for you.Complexity refers to designs that include (but is not limited to) the following: Wings and extra limbs; Scales, feathers, long fur; Horns, spines, antlers, plates; Complex, geometric, and runic markings; Some extreme poses (if specified), especially if the character's anatomy is complex. The total of your order is used to calculate the complexity fee. Dragons are always considered complex.Understand that any unpaid, undesired, or ultimately scrapped concepts are property of the Artist and subject to later use / resale without notice to the Client.

On-base customs

$105 USDOn-Base
$210 USDNew Base
+35% invoice totalcomplexity

An On-Base custom is a design made on any of the pre-existing bases that I have available in my Shop. You may choose to purchase the original base along with your custom.A New Base custom is a design made on a new design base, which will be provided along with the finished design. Every New Base comes with two variations along with your finished design: one “naked” version showcasing clear anatomy for you to build upon and one “standard” version. Optional add-ons are outlined below.Understand that these bases are not exclusive to the Client and that upon completion, I may use, edit, or build upon the base for additional designs to sell or may upload the base (edited, expanded, or as-is) to my Shop for others to purchase and use. Per my TOS, you may choose to privatize these bases for a fee of $200 USD or 50% of the invoice total(s), whichever is highest. It is recommended to pursue this type of custom for generic creatures (ie: an owlbear base) and not for personal IPs (ie: a Closed Species base).Complexity refers to designs that include (but is not limited to) the following: Wings and extra limbs; Scales, feathers, long fur; Horns, spines, antlers, plates; Complex, geometric, and runic markings; Some extreme poses (if specified), especially if the character's anatomy is complex. The total of your order is used to calculate the complexity fee. Dragons are always considered complex.You may use any Base purchased from me, either through customs or through purchase in my Shop, to create and sell designs, create references for personal characters, etc.. You are not permitted to resell or redistribute the Base as-is or with additional edits. Understand that I make no guarantee that any designs made on my bases will sell. That is not something I can control.Understand that any unpaid, undesired, or ultimately scrapped concepts are property of me (the Artist) and subject to later use/resale without notice.

optional add-on pricing

These are in addition to what is already included.* Additional Body Types are done “naked” (without fur/feathers/etc.) to showcase clear anatomy to be built upon. Additional Body Coverings must be purchased for additional Body Types to be covered.

3 Head options+$45 usd
2 wing options+$75 usd
2 wing + dorsal/ventral callouts+$105 usd
3 tail options+$45 usd
3 hand/paw options+$45 usd
3 appendage options (fins/spikes/etc.)+$45 usd
1 body covering (fur/scales/etc.)+$45 usd
1 body type+$65 usd
dorsal/ventral callout+$55 usd